Quitting smoking is a journey — your patients need help to curb the urge.
Smokers who get help from their health care provider or a trained counselor triple their chances of quitting for good. You can encourage your patients to participate in the Delaware Tobacco Prevention and Control Program’s free cessation services, which include counseling by phone or in person, or through QuitNow.net. Your patients may also qualify for free nicotine-replacement therapy and pharmaceuticals.

Three Programs That Can Help Your Patients Quit Smoking

The Delaware Quitline — Counseling on the Phone
The Delaware Quitline is staffed with compassionate specialists who will assess your needs and help you make the right choices — for quitting right now and for staying tobacco-free in the future. The service is available to any Delaware resident 13 years of age or older.
Patients can call 1-866-409-1858 to enroll.

Counseling in Person
If patients feel more comfortable talking with someone in person, trained counselors are available throughout the state to help them quit. This service is available to any Delaware resident 18 years of age or older.
Patients can call 1-866-409-1858 to schedule an appointment.

QuitNow.net — Counseling Online
This online program is staffed with certified Quit Coaches® to help patients conquer their urges to smoke at their own pace. This online learning and support community offers help in stages, interactive lessons and exercises, and tracking tools to help smokers learn how to quit successfully.
What You and Your Patients Should Know About Vaping and E-Cigarettes
Smokers have turned to vaping and e-cigarettes as an alternative to smoking. The trend toward e-cigarette use is rising among high school students at an alarming rate. Until recently, there was no federal regulation regarding e-cigarette products and related paraphernalia. Recent studies show that ingredients in e-cigarettes may not be as harmless as initially thought. Help your patients become aware of the potential dangers of e-cigarettes, particularly since there are no ingredient disclosures or youth-access restrictions. A 2014 study confirmed that all e-cigarettes contain nicotine, and a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study from April 2014 documented a dramatic increase in calls to poison centers related to the harmful effects of e-cigarette liquids on small children.
Patient Education Materials for Your Office
Helpful links
The Five-Year Plan for a Tobacco-Free Delaware 2023–2027
This plan is the result of efforts of the IMPACT Delaware Tobacco Prevention Coalition and others in our state who are interested in tobacco prevention and control.
Download PlanThe Risks and Dangers of Vaping
E-cigarette use and other forms of vaping are increasing in Delaware. Be aware of what’s in e-cigarettes and signs of vaping in kids.
Learn moreOrder Free Materials
Printed brochures, fact sheets, and other materials are available to order for your practice, free of charge.
See what’s available to order now