Help your patients with diabetes and prediabetes live their best life possible.
In Delaware, the prevalence of diabetes has almost doubled since 1991. In the average primary practice, it’s likely that more than one-third of patients who are age 18 or older, and half of those age 65 or older, are prediabetic. The resources here can help your patients learn about diabetes and stay on top of their glucose levels. Classes, services, and programs are designed to help your patients manage their diabetes successfully.

Patient Education Materials for Your Office
Diabetes Programs for Your Patients

Diabetes Self-Management Program
This six-week program for patients with Type 2 diabetes meets two-hours, once a week. Participants will gain self-confidence in their ability to control their diabetes and live a healthy lifestyle. Call 302-744-1020 to schedule a class.

Dining with Diabetes
This cooking program teaches people with diabetes — and their families — how to reduce sugar, salt, and fat in foods, without giving up good taste. For a registration form, your patients can call 302-730-4000.
Milford Wellness Village Diabetes Self-Management Program

Emergency Medical Diabetes Fund
Medications, supplies, and other services available to those with diabetes to alleviate an emergency condition. Call 302-744-1020 or your local state service center to apply. Additional funds are availble for women who are pregnant through the Emergency Medical Gestational Diabetes Fund.
Helpful links
Order Free Materials
Printed brochures, fact sheets, and other materials are available to order for your practice, free of charge.
See what’s available to order nowHealthy Living
Live better. Our Healthy Lifestyle Map will show you where you can find fresh local produce at farmers’ markets and how to stay active at local fitness centers and parks.
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