Tools to help your patients understand their risks and manage heart disease.
If you have patients at risk for heart disease, the programs and materials offered here can help them understand how to manage their condition effectively. Self-monitoring blood pressure materials give patients a record-keeping tool to track their progress. And the Healthy Heart Ambassador Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program offers free classes that will teach them lifestyle and diet changes to lower their blood pressure, get healthier, and stay that way. They can sign up online or by calling 302-208-9097.

Patient Education Materials for Your Office
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
Since so many adults struggle with ways to manage conditions such as heart disease, we offer workshops designed to help them gain self-confidence in their ability to control their symptoms and learn how to live healthier lives.
Patients can sign up for a self-management program in their area.
Helpful links
Order Free Materials
Printed brochures, fact sheets, and other materials are available to order for your practice, free of charge.
See what’s available to order now -
Healthy Lifestyle — Better Choices for Better Chances
Better choices lead to better chances of avoiding chronic diseases. Lifestyle behaviors can affect health. This educational resource can help your patients make healthier choices.
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Healthy Living
Live better. Our Healthy Lifestyle Map will show you where you can find fresh local produce at farmers’ markets and how to stay active at local fitness centers and parks.
View Healthy Lifestyle Map