For patients who love the sun, a skin check with a specialist is a must.
Delaware’s melanoma rate is the fifth highest in the nation. It’s important to discuss exposure to the sun with your patients — particularly those who work outdoors and have an increased risk. Most melanomas are likely to occur in individuals who are fair-skinned. Women are at higher risk before age 40, and men after age 40. Encourage self-examination and, for high-risk individuals, recommend an annual examination by a clinical expert such as a dermatologist. You can refer patients to for more information and to find a dermatologist.

Who Is at Risk for Melanoma?
Risk factors for melanoma include:
- Exposure to excessive UV light from sources such as the sun or tanning beds
- History of sunburns
- Presence of moles
- Light-colored skin, freckles, light hair, and blue or green eyes
- Family or personal history of melanoma
- Women younger than age 40
- Men older than age 40
- Diagnosis of xeroderma pigmentosum
If Your Patients Are Underinsured or Don’t Have Insurance, They May Qualify for a Free Screening
Screening for Life may pay for a skin cancer screening if the patient:
- Is age 18 to 64
- Is age 65 or older and does not qualify for Medicare
- Meets the income guidelines of Screening for Life (income scale is based on a family’s size and can be obtained by calling Delaware 2-1-1, toll-free)
Patient Education Materials for Your Office
Helpful links
Patient Cancer Programs and Services
Learn about all the programs available to help your patients get screened and treated for cancer, along with services that offer help with cancer care coordination and navigation as well as survivorship.
Sun-smart information for your patients, including a downloadable toolkit and a dermatologist search function.
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Printed brochures, fact sheets, and other materials are available to order for your practice, free of charge.
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