Programs that offer your patients help for everything from cancer screening to survivorship.
Screenings that can detect cancer early are critical. So is getting into treatment as soon as possible. In Delaware, there are programs available to help pay for both screening and treatment. Because navigating care can be difficult for some, there are specially trained clinicians to help with that as well as care coordination. After treatment, a survivorship program helps patients understand what they can do to get and stay healthy.

Screening for Life
Screening for Life offers free screenings for breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancer. Patients are eligible if they:
- Are Delaware residents
- Have health insurance that doesn’t cover screenings
- Are between 18 and 64 years old and not eligible for Medicaid
- Are 65 years of age or older and do not qualify for Medicare
- Meet income guidelines
- Are not eligible for health insurance
Patients can call 302-744-1040 or 2-1-1 toll-free for more information.
Cancer Care Coordinator
Get help navigating through all stages of treatment.
These dedicated cancer nursing professionals are on staff in every hospital in the state, ready to provide the help you need. They help coordinate appointments, provide emotional support to you and your family, and arrange transportation — freeing you to focus on healing. Services are free to all Delaware residents.
Cancer care coordinators are on staff at the following hospitals:

Delaware Cancer Treatment Program
Patients who’ve been diagnosed with cancer may be eligible for assistance with covering cancer treatment costs. The program is available to Delaware residents who:
- Were residents of Delaware when diagnosed with cancer
- Were diagnosed with cancer on or after July 1, 2004
- Have no comprehensive health insurance or whose maximum out-of-pocket expenses are more than 15% of their income (does not include premiums)
- Do not receive benefits through the Medicaid Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program
- Meet income guidelines (up to 650% of the federal poverty level)
- Are not eligible for health insurance
Cancer: Thriving and Surviving Program
This program will provide those affected by cancer with tools they need to live a healthier life. Through weekly sessions, the workshop provides support for continuing normal daily activities and dealing with the emotions that cancer may bring about.
Patients can sign up for a program in their area.
Helpful links
Continuing Education
See where you may benefit from continuing medical education opportunities and other learning sessions within our medical community.
Learn moreDelaware Cancer Registry
Information on new cancer cases, cancer treatment, and cancer deaths is reported in the Delaware Cancer Registry, to help measure the quality of cancer care in Delaware.
Learn moreOrder Free Materials
Printed brochures, fact sheets, and other materials are available to order for your practice, free of charge.
See what’s available to order now