Delaware Cancer Consortium 2015 Annual Retreat
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Dover Downs
Opening Remarks:
William W. Bowser, Esq., chairperson, Delaware Cancer Consortium, welcomes attendees and sets the stage for a day of learning and planning.
Advocating for Tobacco Control Funds
Deborah P. Brown
American Lung Association
Slide Deck

DE Cancer Consortium and Screening for Life | State Wide Lung CA Screening Program 2015
Stephen S. Grubbs, MD
DE Cancer Consortium Annual Retreat
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DCC Panel Part 1
Heather Brown, Sandy Miller, Deborah Brown, Stephen S. Grubbs, M.D., William Bowser
DCC Panel Part 2
Heather Brown, Sandy Miller, Deborah Brown, Stephen S. Grubbs, M.D., William Bowser
Remarks from Rita M. Landgraf, Delaware Health and Social Services
Rita M. Landgraf
Secretary, Delaware Health and Social Services
Tom Barnard
Toni King
John Feely
Advancing Survivorship Care Through the National Cancer Survivorship Resource Center
Nicole Erb, BA
Program Manager, The Survivorship Center
Slide Deck

Cancer Survivor Transitions: Continuum of Care Standards
Nina Miller, MSSW, OSW-C
Commission on Cancer, Chicago, IL
Slide Deck

Lung Cancer Campaign
Mike Cordrey and Alex Parkowski
ab+c Creative Intelligence
Video not available.
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You can’t get there from here: Getting the Survivorship Agenda Back on Track
Scott D. Siegel, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist
Director, Psychosocial Oncology & Survivorship, Helen F. Graham Cancer Center & Research Institute, Christiana Care Health System
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