Educator toolkit
They can quit vaping. You can help.

What’s in it for you?
A plan that can change young people’s lives. Here, you’ll find lots of ways to engage students, teachers, parents, and others in the fight against the vaping epidemic sweeping through our schools. Every day, the tools in this kit provide an opportunity for you to raise awareness about the dangers of e-cigarettes, prevent nicotine addiction and vaping-related lung injuries among our youth, and help those who already vape find the support and guidance they need to quit.
Text Messages for Parents
It’s no secret that students who use e-cigarettes often hide their behaviors and their vape devices from parents. These text messages are crafted to quickly bring parents up to speed so that they’re in the know about what to do and where to go for helpful information.

Morning Announcements
Many students still think vaping in school is cool. It isn’t. It’s dangerous. These announcements are designed to remind those who do vape about the risks to their health, and to encourage those who don’t vape not to start.

Vape Education and Outreach Materials
To take action, people need to know where to start. Download these posters and flyers to post and distribute around your school.

Educational Curriculums
Here, you can find downloadable lesson plans, activities, and anti-vaping programs from leading educational and health organizations. Most lessons are free, and one can be accessed at no cost by calling 302-744-1010.

National Youth Vaping Prevention Curriculum
Know the Truth is a national youth vaping prevention curriculum that offers students a free four-part digital learning experience. The online lesson program helps students learn the history of tobacco and nicotine use; understand the myths, risks, and dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping; lay a framework for quitting; and focus on positive alternative behaviors and living a vape-free life.
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Catch My Breath: Grades 5–12
From the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, the Catch My Breath Vape Prevention Program alerts young students about the dangers of e-cigarettes, including Juul®.
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The Real Cost of Vaping: Grades 6–12
This FDA Center for Tobacco Products lesson plan and activity, developed in collaboration with Scholastic, is an interactive plan that covers vaping facts and misperceptions, health consequences, statistics, and more.
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IN-DEPTH: An Alternative to Teen Nicotine Citation
From the American Lung Association, the Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health (IN-DEPTH) program focuses on using positive behavior change rather than punitive measures, like citation or suspension, to help students kick their addiction.
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Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
This six-unit module describes how e-cigarettes work, their ingredients, the harm they cause, how e-cig manufacturers target adolescents, and how to discourage youth experimentation with vaping.
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Botvin Life Skills Training
This module has been proven to reduce youth smoking/vaping by up to 80% by addressing risk factors. It is structured to support elementary, middle school, and high school programs. Call 302-744-1010 for free access.
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Botvin Life Skills Training — Hookahs
This seventh-grade to college-level program shows how a hookah smoker inhales 100 times more toxin-laden smoke than a cigarette smoker. Includes video, teacher’s book, student handouts, and tests. Call 302-744-1010 for free access.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaping Visual Dictionary
This 25-page CDC presentation identifies and defines various types of vape devices, pods, and e-liquid ingredients, and explains vaping terminology and much more.
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FDA Real Cost Campaign
“The Real Cost” campaign website and social media channels are intended for one target audience: youth ages 12–
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the leading authority on e-cigarettes and vape devices.Model School Policies
Here, you will find a comprehensive model policy that your school and school district may adopt. The policy was prepared by the Public Health Law Center in order to promote an environment free of commercial tobacco in primary and secondary schools.
The American Lung Association also offers a school policy document regarding the establishment of a tobacco-free campus. You can download and adapt the document for use by your own school.
SAMHSA Guide on Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults
This guide targets school administrators, community leaders, educators, parents, and policymakers. It informs them about the rising rates of vaping among youth and discusses effective programs and policies to prevent vaping, challenges to reducing e-cigarette use and vaping, and program and policy implementation strategies that can be used to address those challenges.Enforcement from DATE (Delaware Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement)
Here are specific enforcement and violation recommendations your school can follow with regard to first-time and repeat offenders — whether student or staff member — who smoke or vape in or around your school.
Social Media Resource Kit
As educators, you and your colleagues see vaping and its harmful effects on students every day. You are also uniquely positioned to combat the rise in vaping by sharing vital information and resources with your students. The social media content below is for use on school and educator social media channels. Schools, superintendents, principals, and individual teachers often have high student followings and are excellent sources for sharing information about the dangers of vaping.