Colon cancer in Delaware
Almost all colon cancers can be prevented through early detection. A test called a colonoscopy not only tests for colon cancer, but also treats it by removing polyps in the colon that could become cancerous.
According to the Cancer Incidence and Mortality report for 2006-2010 by the Delaware Division of Public Health, Delaware ranked fourth highest in the number of adults age 50 and older (75.1 percent) who reported that they had gotten a colonoscopy. The national number was 67.3 percent.
While Delaware’s 2006–2010 colorectal cancer incidence rate (45.2 per 100,000) was almost identical to the U.S. rate (45.0 per 100,000), Delaware’s colorectal incidence rates showed steeper declines than the national rate among both males and females. Delaware’s incidence rate declined 27.3 percent among males and 26.6 percent among females while nationally, the incidence rate declined 20.9 percent among males and 17.6 percent among females. During 2006–2010, Delaware’s rank in colorectal cancer mortality was 24th in the nation, down from 21st in 2005-2009.
To continue to reduce Delaware’s numbers, both men and women ages 50 and older should have a colonoscopy every 10 years, and more frequently if there is a history of cancer or if prior colonoscopies have resulted in the removal of polyps.
Come on, Delaware! Let’s get screened. Talk to your doctor or call 2-1-1 to schedule a colonoscopy.